Oct 20, 2009

Helicopter ride

I was lucky enough to be flown by helicopter today to take some reference photos for a commission for a client today - we flew about 1/2 an hour from Brisbane to Maleny (normally about 1.5 hrs drive) - the day was sparkling clear and gorgeous. The property is absolutely stunning and they have put a lot of work into it. I'm excited to be doing this commission of their herd of lovely droughtmaster cattle.

Anyway, here are some more pics:

All the Jacarandas are in flower - every yard had one - a stunning mass of purple from the air!

The Brisbane river, city skyline and out to Moreton bay

The Glasshouse mountains and out to the Sunshine coast

And the gorgeous green patchwork of Maleny.
Keep posted for the finished commission. This was a bit more luxurious trip than mustering in a chopper  - this helicopter had doors, and we cruised comfortably high, instead of swooping up and down with sickening turns! An amazing day, which only made me appreciate our beautiful country even more.
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